
You should ensure you are available at delivery address provided. If you are not available to receive your order, the courier will normally try to redeliver your purchase the following day or will leave it in the nearest depot. In this case they will leave a note and you are responsible for picking up your item at the address provided.  Should we not be able to complete the delivery you will be liable for a returned item fee, as well as the additional cost to redeliver your item.

Delivery outside the EU may be subject to local import duties, custom duties or taxes which are your responsibility. Musiciians are unable to advise you of local charges or assume any responsibility for these.  If you do not pay these local import/custom duties or taxes the product could be returned to Musiciians or destroyed. Please note, if this happens, we may not be able eligible for a refund. You must comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the country to which the products are destined. We will not be liable nor responsible should you breach any such local laws.

General Information

1. We only accept returns of goods purchased via
2. We require proof of purchase.
3. Items must be returned to us within 14 days of notification.

Damaged Goods
1. In the event of requesting a replacement of a faulty item you must return the original item, all accessories in original  packing and receipt within 14 days of purchase.
2. The returned item will be inspected by our Quality Control Team.
3. When the product has been authorized as eligible for replacement we will send you a replacement.
4. Replacements are typically processed within 30 days of inspection.

We cannot accept responsibility for parcels lost in transit.

Please note that Musiciians Ltd. is not responsible for any customs fees or duties incurred on international shipments, as these are the responsibility of the purchaser.