Content and Use

The user is hereby informed and accepts that access to this website does not imply, by any means, the beginning of a business relationship with the Company. 

1- General Conditions

Access and use of the web page including subdomains and directories, as well as services or content found there within, are subject to the terms detailed in the legal notice outlined below. The use made of the website, material or services, including content within, implies acceptance of these and any amended legal terms and any regulative provisions implemented and enforced at any given time, being updated and published online with no necessary individual warning or notice.

The terms and conditions that are published in this notice can change at any time and every time the website is visited, due to a revision of the same.

2- Privacy policy

Personal data that may be solicited on this website will be treated according to Spanish Statutory Law 15/1999, December 13, Protection of Personal Data. Thus the user is informed that the provision of information implies your express consent, voluntarily providing personal data in the previous fields (minimum information necessary to enable the identification of the individual who sent the statement).  Musiciians processes the data automatically and incorporates it into a file, which they own and are responsible off. The file is properly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

The purpose of processing is to ensure proper attention to your request for purchases, information, comments, questions and suggestions submitted to us.  

We inform you that you may exercise your access rights, rectification, modification and deletion of your personal data by sending an email to Likewise, you can express your refusal to the processing of personal data within a period of thirty days, in the event that you do not do decide to that effect, it will be deemed that you consent to the processing of your personal data, as established in Article 14.2 the Rules of developing LOPD (1720/2007).   


Musiciians is exempt from any type of liability when the information published on its website has been taken and manipulated, or introduced by an external third party. The website’s service provider may use cookies (small data files that the server sends to the browser’s computer) to complete certain functions, which are considered essential for the correct operation and visualization of the site. Cookies used on the website are always temporary with the sole purpose of efficient transmission whilst connected, which later disappear once the user ends session. Cookies are never used to gather personal information.

4.-Rights of Intellectual and Industrial Property

The design of Musiciians, source codes, website and all its content, for example the formative material, logo, brand and other distinctive signs which appear on the web, belong to Musiciians and are protected by the corresponding Intellectual and Industrial Rights, with the exception of some elements needing licenses or derivatives with specific license conditions.

Musiciians requests that, with respect to its Intellectual and Industrial Property for third parties, if the rights (of the third party) are considered to be violated, they get in contact with Musiciians

The intellectual property rights of the images, texts, designs, animations or any other content or elements of this website belong solely to Musiciians. Any reproduction, distribution, public communication, provision, or alternation, as well as any other form of exploitation of all or part of this content or features made in any form or by any means, requires prior written consent from Musiciians.

Musiciians may make changes to the content of this website without notice, both with regard to information about their products or services, as will expand and improve its offering, and in relation to any other element that forms part of it. Musiciians is not responsible for any damage that may arise from the accuracy of the information contained in this website, nor the use of the content. This website may contain links to external sites, Musiciians is not responsible for the content of such external sites or any other aspect thereof. All trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind on the websites of Musiciians are property of the owners and are protected by law. 

5.-Aplicable Law and Jurisdiction

The Law applicable in the case of dispute or conflict of the interpretation of the terms, which form part of this Legal Warning, including any questions related to the services of this web page, will be the Spanish Law.

For the resolution of any conflict that may occur when visiting the web page, or the use of the services provided, Musiciians and the User accept to subject themselves to the Judges and Courts of Madrid (Spain).